Post Home Hours this Week (September 7 - September 11): Friday and Saturday, 6 PM to 10 PM.
Saturday - G4V Lessons 9 AM. Post open 6 PM.
Wednesday - Patriots Day - 9/11 Anniversary 6:45 PM. GRist 7 PM
Friday - Trivia Night at the Post 7:30 PM - Jeopardy style, team trivia
- OIF Remembrance: Four Post members, Anita, Fritz, Sam and Andy will give a short presentation on Friday night between Jeopardy rounds about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and their experiences with the operation.
- Membership Appreciation Dinner: The Post is hosting its Membership Appreciation Dinner on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM. The dinner is free to members. Guest(s) are welcomed and invited. The guest meal will be $20 for the steak dinner, baked potato, corn on the cob, salad, rolls, and dessert. We'd love to see you there. Space is limited - so be sure to sign up soon.
- WWI Living History Weekend Schedule of Events: If you have time on Saturday, September 14, stop by the National World I Memorial in Washington DC, for a weekend of immersive events hosted by The Doughboy Foundation, celebrating the newly installed sculpture "A Soldier's Journey," the final component of the memorial.
- Oral History Project: The Library of Congress Wants You! We want to do an oral history with some of our fellow Veterans living in the VA Hospital in DC. Several residents at the hospital have said they want their history recorded—currently, a Tuskegee Airman in the hospital would like to tell his story. If this interests you, please get in touch with the Post Surgeon, Anita Fligge, and let her know if you are interested.
- End of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF): Are you a Veteran of OIF and want to talk about your experiences in Iraq? Join us at the Post on September 13 and participate in a short program about the end of OIF. Send a picture to, and we will add that to other veterans' pictures to help tell the story of our Arlington Veterans during OIF.
- Bartenders: The Post needs volunteer bartenders, especially on the 3rd and 4th Saturdays each month. In addition to those slots, we need as many bartenders as possible to prepare for football season on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursday night football games. Being a bartender is one of the best things a Member can do for the Post, allowing the Post Canteen to be opened regularly and providing predictability to members and guests who want to come to the Post and socialize with other Comrades. Please get in touch with Jinda Mounts, the Post's Canteen Manager, to find out which day of the month you can volunteer.
- Donation: Our programs support our service members while on the front line, as they are being discharged long after returning. Your tax-deductible donation will immediately help serve VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.
- Have you missed your Membership renewal date? You can renew at any time (and get a new date one year after you renew). Renew at the Post's website. Help your Post meet this year's membership goal.
- Event Detective: Our Post has begun listing our Hall as an event location on Event Detective! If you have rented the Hall for an event in the past several months, please go to this link and leave a review. Your recommendation will inform future customers about the Hall and move our Hall up in the Event Detective ratings.
- Save the Date:
- O
- Band of Vets Comedy Show: The Post will host a Band of Vets Comedy Show on Friday, September 27, at 8:00 PM. COL Joe Buccino, USA (Ret.), is organizing this show. You can check Joe's Instagram account at @joebuccino_comedy. It should be a FUN event. We look forward to seeing you at the Post!
VFW Action Corps Weekly - September 9, 2024
- Call all Vietnam Veterans
- VFW Remembers 9/11
- POW/MIA Recognition Day 2024
- MIA Update
The VFW is not responsible for 3rd party content that may be misleading, incomplete, erroneous, offensive, indecent, or objectionable. Click here to sign up for new veterans' advocates. As always, the VFW wants to hear your advocacy stories. To share your stories or photos with the VFW, email them directly to