"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch their leaders' actions. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your example they will follow."


Sam Wong

Commander - Army - Post 3150

Darrell Smith

Senior Vice Commander - Air Force - Post 3150

Jim Bertine

Quartermaster - Navy - Post 3150

Nancy Springer

1 Year Trustee - Marines - Post 3150

Sienna Echon

2 Year Trustee - Navy - Post 3150

Larry Boggs

3 Year Trustee - Army - Post 3150


Adrian Simental

Chaplain - Air Force - Post 3150

J. Gary Wagner

Adjutant - Air Force - Post 3150

Andrew Stewart

Service Officer - Army - Post 3150

Larry Boggs

Advocate - Army - Post 3150

Anita Fligge

Surgeon - Air Force - Post 3150

Fritz Gottschalk

House Committee - Army - Post 3150