World War I Memorial

House Committee Chair Fritz Gottschalk - 9/14/2024

Two weekends ago, the National WW I Monument was unveiled across the river from the Post!  
The monument is located at Pershing Plaza and has several sculptures and design elements to memorialize WW I. The memorial's centerpiece,  the sculpture "A Soldier's Journey" by Sabin Howard, was unveiled on September 13th. The sculpture has thirty-eight separate figures, spread over approximately 58 feet of wall towards the western end of the Memorial Core; the panels portray the experience of one American soldier. Starting from the left, the soldier takes leave from his wife and daughter, charges into combat, sees men around him killed, wounded, and gassed, and recovers from the shock to come home to his family. The figures are mounted on the wall.[1]
In addition to the "Soldier's Journey," the memorial has two other significant features: The American Expeditionary Forces memorial, a statue of General John J. Pershing, a flagstaff, and quotes from President Woodrow Wilson and others to the right.
On Saturday, September 14th, several WW I reenactors and organizations were displayed.  

WWI Hello GirlsOf note was a display of the "Hello Girls," bilingual phone operators recruited by the American Expeditionary Force to operate the phone switches between the French and American forces. For more about the Hello Girls, please visit:  

In addition to the Hello Girls, two displays centered on the American intervention in Russia: a display about the USS Olympia and a display about the 339th Infantry Regiment. The USS Olympia conducted several convoy escort missions and participated in the Russian interdiction. The USS Olympia, the flagship for Admiral Dewey during the battle of Manila Bay, is a museum ship in Philadelphia, an easy drive up I-95.  
WWI USS OlympiaThe 339th Infantry Regiment (The Polar Bears) was diverted to Archangel, Russia, as part of the Allied intervention to protect the port and infrastructure from Soviet forces during the Russian Revolution. Yes, those are fur pants!

There was also a display from the 29th Infantry Division (John Lyon's own) and several vehicles on display.  
WWI 29th Infantry DisplayOverall, it was an exciting display and a great way to showcase the Soldiers' Journey in our Nation's Capital. 

Post News

Important Info for Post3150 Members

World War I Memorial

New statute unveiled at the WWI Memorial.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day Community Event

It was mentioned at District 10's meeting this month and encouraged by VFW Post 8469, that all are welcome and invited to participate in this public commemoration event in honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

District News

Important Info for District 10 Members

VFW Announces Kick-Off of Annual Scholarship Competitions

District Commander Robert Adamczyk of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Virginia District 10 announced the kick-off of this year’s VFW’s Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Scholarship competition. Local high school and middle school students can compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships.

DATA and NOVA Veterans Win Federal Grant to Help Senior or Disabled Veterans Get to Vaccination Sites

Reston, VA – MAY 5, 2021 – The Dulles Area Transportation Association (DATA) and the Northern Virginia Veterans Association (NOVA Veterans) have been awarded federal funding for a joint project to provide veterans who are disabled or over 65 with transportation to COVID-19 vaccination appointments. While vaccination availability has increased, an escalating critical transportation crisis is preventing our most vulnerable veterans from getting vaccinated. This is particularly problematic for those veterans who receive their medical care from distant Veterans Administration medical facilities and are without reliable transportation.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

Post 12218's First Change of Command

Western Prince William County Post 12218 will be conducting their first Change of Command Ceremony on June 8th, 1000 at Great Mane Brewery in Haymarket, VA. Come on out and support one of Virginia's newest Posts.

Vietnam Veterans - Welcome Home!

The United State of America Vietnam War Commemoration is holding a Welcome Home event at the National Mall in Washington DC on May 11th to 13th 2023.

National News

Important info from National VFW

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