Post's 2022 Strategic Plan

Past Cmdr Nancy Springer - 5/18/2022



With a 2-3 year horizon, this Post Strategic Plan is forward-looking and outward-focused on area Veterans and the local community while maintaining critical Post infrastructure (facility, finances & Membership). Manning and tailoring the Post’s standing Committee structure is essential to accomplishing these strategic goals. The Plan’s foundational underpinnings are the VFW National Mission and Vision and the derived John Lyon VFW Post 3150 mission statement and vision, as outlined in the following subparagraphs. 


To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans. 


Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country. 


To provide a welcoming place for combat Veterans to make and sustain connections with other Veterans and to afford opportunities for community and Veteran service while assisting in obtaining earned benefits. 


Be an indispensable partner with Arlington County Veterans by assisting them in accessing earned benefits, providing a welcoming environment to connect with other Veterans, offering opportunities for continued service, and promoting Americanism in the local community. 



Lead: Community & Outreach Committee. 
Supporting: Relief & Americanism Committees
Develop an energetic Outreach and Veteran Support plan to inform Veterans of the value of VFW Membership, attract Veterans to the organization, and provide an outlet for volunteerism. Also, formulate this program to enhance camaraderie and cohesion in the Post’s Membership. Additionally, compose a companion strategic communications plan, disseminated using all available Post media, to reach as broad an audience as possible. Finally, go to State and National headquarters to access organizational programs, resources, and funding. 


Lead: Membership Committee. 
Supporting: Americanism and Community & Outreach Committees
Internalize the "every Comrade a recruiter” mantra through intentional training, planned recruiting events, and advertising (analog & digital). Also, maximize opportunities to connect with diverse Veteran constituencies through partner organizations and maintain a noticeable presence in the community—Incentivize Life Membership as the preferred Membership option. 


Lead: Ways & Means Committee. 
Supporting: House & Relief Committees
Obtain & invest sufficient financial resources to sustain the Post’s operating costs and infrastructure. Also, establish a Post grant-giving program, funded primarily by donors, to amplify the Post’s ability to serve Veterans and the local community. 


Lead: House Committee. 
Supporting: Ways & Means Committee
Establish a regular, professional inspection program to systematically maintain, improve and ensure the Post Home. Also, capitalize on the substantial 2022 repairs and upgrades to make long-term occupancy (30+ years) feasible. 


1. Connect with area Veterans of all eras and provide a welcoming, supportive environment while assisting them in obtaining earned benefits. 

2. Establish mutually beneficial partnerships with JBMHH units, Arlington schools, first responders, and local businesses to better serve the community and promote Americanism.
3. Develop an intentional new Comrade onboarding/mentoring program that channels new Comrade enthusiasm & energy into Post service activities and builds a predominantly Life Membership foundation (95% of the Membership). 

4. Amplify the Post’s Veteran and community service efforts by establishing a Post grant-giving program sustained primarily with external donations.
5. Maintain the Post Home through a deliberate program of scheduled inspections and upkeep, making it the "place of choice” for Veteran and community events. 


Utilize Post communications platforms and analytical tools to publicize the Post’s strategic message and assess its effectiveness.
Cultivate a relationship with local media to raise awareness of the Post and the Veteran community and to publicize Veteran events. Aggressively pursue media opportunities (e.g., interviews, using the Post platform/venue).
Ensure a vibrant and well-publicized Post Community Service program to serve Veterans in the local community and to attract prospective Members. 
Construct and maintain user-friendly and visually appealing social media sites for advertising, communicating, educating, and fundraising. 

Assess Veteran needs and assist in fulfilling them using Post, community, and higher echelon VFW organizational resources. Leverage Post resources to the maximum extent possible (Post Service Officer, Post Chaplain, Relief Fund, etc.). 


Establish an annual Membership strategy that includes recruiting and retention events, capitalizing on pre-existing events/established venues to the greatest extent possible. 

Develop a Post onboarding/sponsor program for new Comrades to make them feel welcome, to inform them of VFW processes and procedures, and to channel their new Comrade enthusiasm into service to the Post and fellow Post Comrades. 

Establish an educational site on the webpage with information about the Post, John Lyon & VFW programs to inform new and experienced Comrades and teach organizational cohesion and pride. 

Incentivize Life Membership. 

Inform active duty service members of the VFW and Post mission and incorporate them in Post events. 

Cultivate relationships with area Student Veterans Associations and incorporate them in Post activities. 


Develop a long-range Post financial plan and subsidiary annual budgets, including a discrete line item for donations. 

Develop an investment and savings strategy/plan for the General and Relief Funds.

Devise a methodology to monetize Post assets (e.g., Canteen, kitchen, Post Hall, parking lot, etc.). 

Pursue grants for which the Post qualifies. 


Develop a capitalization plan for the Post Home & grounds.

Maintain a prioritized list of unfunded deficiencies and actively pursue funding strategies. 

Develop an appliance refresh plan (with associated funding estimate).

Assess the Post security plan and address gaps.

Insure the Post building and grounds. 


For nearly 90 years, John Lyon VFW Post 3150 has been an Arlington County mainstay. Attention to and resourcing of a deliberate, longer-term Post strategy for Veteran support, community service, and Post infrastructure should ensure the Post’s viability for another 90 years and beyond. Review this strategic plan at least biennially and use it as the foundation for annual budgets and activity calendars. 

Post News

Important Info for Post3150 Members

World War I Memorial

New statute unveiled at the WWI Memorial.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day Community Event

It was mentioned at District 10's meeting this month and encouraged by VFW Post 8469, that all are welcome and invited to participate in this public commemoration event in honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

District News

Important Info for District 10 Members

VFW Announces Kick-Off of Annual Scholarship Competitions

District Commander Robert Adamczyk of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Virginia District 10 announced the kick-off of this year’s VFW’s Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Scholarship competition. Local high school and middle school students can compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships.

DATA and NOVA Veterans Win Federal Grant to Help Senior or Disabled Veterans Get to Vaccination Sites

Reston, VA – MAY 5, 2021 – The Dulles Area Transportation Association (DATA) and the Northern Virginia Veterans Association (NOVA Veterans) have been awarded federal funding for a joint project to provide veterans who are disabled or over 65 with transportation to COVID-19 vaccination appointments. While vaccination availability has increased, an escalating critical transportation crisis is preventing our most vulnerable veterans from getting vaccinated. This is particularly problematic for those veterans who receive their medical care from distant Veterans Administration medical facilities and are without reliable transportation.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

Post 12218's First Change of Command

Western Prince William County Post 12218 will be conducting their first Change of Command Ceremony on June 8th, 1000 at Great Mane Brewery in Haymarket, VA. Come on out and support one of Virginia's newest Posts.

Vietnam Veterans - Welcome Home!

The United State of America Vietnam War Commemoration is holding a Welcome Home event at the National Mall in Washington DC on May 11th to 13th 2023.

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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